Since 1940, the editorial and business workers of The New York Times have protected and advanced the interests of its members at The Times through the Times Guild.
While The New York Times continues to lead the media industry with critical and revolutionary journalism, we remind management that without us, there is no news, no platform, and no revenue.
Our member-led union, represented by the NewsGuild of New York, is continually working to build our collective strength. Through the union we gain flexibility, stability, and improved work-life balance. We buttress our job security and career growth. We stand up for fairness and accountability on management’s part. And we fight for a workplace that values, encourages, and promotes diversity and inclusion.
We have reached a monumental point in the history of The Times — one that our union can and will have a direct hand in shaping. As the existing union bargains our next contract, we will hold management accountable to their promises of a more diverse Times.
But we are only half the story. Once there was a union for almost every step in the process of producing a newspaper: typesetters, pressmen, compositors, proofreaders. They gradually disappeared as the means of production, distribution and even newsgathering evolved and digitized.
Now, stronger than we have ever been, we are excited to welcome a new unit of tech workers into our Guild. Together we will ensure that The Times remains the leading storyteller on the planet, and that the company raises the bar for salaries, benefits, job security, paid time off, remote work options, and more.
The Times Tech Guild
We are the tech workers of The New York Times. We work behind the scenes to make the world’s most trusted news source the best it can be.
Together, by forming a new unit in the Times Guild of New York, we’re joining our coworkers in an effort to build a fair and equitable workplace.

Guild History at The Times
The Times Guild has been a critical part of The Times since 1940, when commercial workers voted 418-198 to unionize. That breakthrough was the culmination of years of struggle against management opposition during which The Times fired or demoted some employees for organizing. Our first contract, in 1941, gave members raises, a 40-hour workweek, overtime, holidays, severance pay, maternity leave, and other benefits. Over time, Guild contracts were expanded to cover our editorial staff and other departments, like IT. From striking for our pensions in 1965 to walking out for our copy editors in 2017, we’ve celebrated many proud victories as a union and faced many arduous battles. We made sacrifices during the company’s lean years and now, as the C-suite trumpets to Wall Street the enormous recent financial successes our work has delivered to stakeholders, we expect to reap the benefits.