AJ Schuster, Senior Software Engineer, NYT Cooking
My colleagues in the tech organization at The Times care as much about our company's mission as any folks I've ever worked with. I'm proud to form this union as we stand in solidarity for a workplace with sustainability, equity, and inclusion at its core.

Andrew Canaday, Lead Engineer, Publishing Group
I’ve been at The Times for more than a decade now. It’s been a great pleasure and a tremendous honor to serve the mission of the company and be counted among all the amazing people that work here. I would very much like those notions to be common, defining features of the employment experience at The Times. The surest way to make that a reality is for the workers here to be empowered self-advocates, speaking with a shared voice. I also strongly believe that the formation of a union is not only compatible with the long-term interests of the company, it is an essential prerequisite for the institution’s ability to successfully anticipate and adapt to the frequent, dramatic shifts in the technological, cultural, and journalistic landscapes which we are tasked to straddle. To me, this endeavor is not an alteration of or confrontation with the culture or core principles of The Times; it is merely a belated extension of that culture and of those principles into the realm of an already-extended workforce.

Angela Guo, Senior Software Engineer in Publishing
I love working at The Times. I’m proud to work here and care deeply about my colleagues. The conversations I’ve had with people across the company during organizing have solidified my belief that we all have so much in common, and that we can come together to make this a better, more equitable place for everyone. All workers deserve a voice in writing their working conditions! We got each other's backs.

Angelique De Castro, Software Engineer, Engagement
The Times is the best company I’ve worked at, and it is all thanks to my incredible colleagues who make it so. Through a union, we can collectively advocate for working conditions we deserve by having a seat at the table to work with and hold our employer accountable to continuing to make this company worthy of its mission. Organizing with my peers has proven just how dedicated we are to having each other’s backs, and I could not be more proud to stand in solidarity with them.

Benjamin Harnett, Lead Software Engineer in Data Engineering
I have worked at The Times for almost a decade, and I look forward to working here for another ten years. I have been extraordinarily lucky in my working conditions, but I know the same isn’t true for all my colleagues, and that there’s no guarantee my luck will hold. I think it’s important that The Times is a place people want to make their home, and it’s absolutely crucial for us, the workers, to have not only a say, but the power to make sure this is true. Everyone’s incentives should be aligned toward one thing: the long term health of the enterprise and its workers, the people who make it all happen. I look forward to working together to build the future with all of you.

Bon Champion, Senior Product Designer on the News app
I believe everyone should have a union, and we at The Times are no exception. With this union, all of my amazing, intelligent coworkers become collaborators in fighting for a better workplace, co-authors of a more inclusive and equitable future for The Times. In organizing this union, we have already created a beautiful and supportive community, and our best work is yet to be done.

Christina Schnabel, Senior QA Engineer on Audio
Helping to build this tech union with my colleagues has been one of the most inspiring things I have ever been a part of. As a Pacific Islander and a woman, I have never felt more job security as I have when listening to my colleagues validate the importance of transparency, equality, and democracy in the workplace. Unions are so important for those of us who have normally felt completely underrepresented. Collective power ensures that the issues that affect us disproportionately are heard, and that we get a place in the room when trying to solve them.
Solidarity forever, baby!!

Christopher Shea, Software Engineer on the News app
Workers are qualified to determine their own working conditions. We know what policies we want and we know our worth. It’s not enough to rely on luck and our employers’ discretion to secure our quality of life. Only as an organized body with a collective voice can we have a fairer say in our jobs. I’m thrilled to join my coworkers in making The New York Times a better place to work.

Deeksha Mehta, Manager, Data & Insights
I love working at The Times, not just because I care deeply about our journalistic mission but also because I get to work with incredibly talented and thoughtful individuals to help build and support our product. I’m proud to form a union with my colleagues because I believe having a more democratic workplace, where our collective voice and unique perspectives are heard, can only make The Times even better.

Dick Ward, Software Engineer on Segment Optimization
I’m proud to work at The New York Times, and I’m constantly amazed by the skill, enthusiasm, and dedication of my coworkers. All of us are committed to the mission of the company and work hard to get The Times where it is, and we deserve a seat at the table when making decisions relating to our working conditions. As a union, we can fight for the things that matter to us: pay equity and transparency, fairness in hiring practices, and equality for workers at the company. Every day I work with amazing people to forward the goals of The New York Times, and I now look forward to working with them to ensure that our workplace is one that represents the workers.

Goran Svorcan-Merola, Senior Software Engineer on Games
Workers must have a voice in their workplace, and I believe that a union is the only durable and surefire way to make certain that we do. By coming together in solidarity, we amplify each other’s voices and pool our power to meaningfully make change when change is needed in our working conditions.
Izza Nadeem, Engineer on Games
I believe great things happen when people come together to support each other. I am very proud to stand in solidarity with my coworkers and help organize this effort.

Jeff Registre, Senior Software Engineer in Core Platforms
As workers, it’s all of us together who create the value company leadership touts. When the year end review comes around, and we hear of the excellent feedback and engagement from users — the out-of-the-world growth in revenue, etc; — it is indeed all of us workers who create that. Everyone from those who print the papers, secure and clean facilities, make the ads, design the UIs, create the backends, etc; created the tasty value.
And yet, workers don’t participate in — and instead have to live with — the decisions made for the company by management. Actually, management’s fiduciary responsibility is first to the shareholders.
A union is a way to level the field a bit and give workers a voice and a seat at the table.
For the past three years I’ve been at The Times, and what I’ve enjoyed the most is the creativity and work of my coworkers who make the amazing products behind The Times, both on my own team and beyond. I’m happy to be here, and I hope this is one part of a much larger drive across the country.

Jeff Sisson, Principal Engineer, Engagement
I'm forever impressed by my coworkers, whose work I admire and whose curiosity and creativity make the tools and software we build together possible. Forming a union will allow us all to continue to do our best work here at The Times, by ensuring that we're paid fairly and treated equitably. We seek a voice in decisions about issues as specific as what our healthcare coverage is and how much it costs, and as broad as how we can create products and architectures that allow The Times to support its mission for another 170 years!

Jennifer Kanjana, Manager, Data & Insights
Forming a union is one step towards creating a workplace that is not entirely reliant on the generosity of individual managers, but the collective will of our fellow workers. This past year especially exacerbated existing inequalities- and I believe organizing is the only viable solution to directly improve the material working conditions for all of us.

Jeremiah Via, Lead Engineer on Search
I’m proud to join my colleagues in forming a union. Together we will improve our workplace.

Joseph Kohlmann, Senior Software Engineer in UX Foundations, working on the Web Platform
Almost six years ago, I joined The Times after studying digital news media and finding inspiration in the company’s vision. What I have found is a community of passionate, caring, talented people who are frequently underpaid, isolated and marginalized by leadership. I remember beloved coworkers who were forced to leave because they didn’t fit in with the predominantly white monoculture of their team. I remember top leaders recommending the “leave and come back” strategy as a feckless antidote for lackluster career opportunities. I remember my own painful journey of resisting pressure to leave long enough to actually find the people, leaders and teams dreaming of a better NYT. Hence, I am incredibly proud to form this union in solidarity with my past, present and future coworkers. We all deserve a place where our careers and selves can blossom, and we deserve those seats at the table, where we can envision and build these possible futures together.

Kait Hoehne, Software Engineer on Games
I love working at The Times and I love working in tech. I believe in our mission and in my team, but as a career changer and a woman in tech, I’m keenly aware that there are disparities that still pervade the industry. Your salary, your workload, and your career growth can be dictated by your background or just by sheer luck. We’re operating in an environment where the scales of power are out of balance, and we just have to hope for the best. Collective action will let us come together and take action - re-balance those scales. We can get to know each other better and support each other as a strong, collaborative community, regardless of where we are in the organization. We can advocate for the kind of workplace that will let us all thrive.

Kathy Zhang, Senior Analytics Manager for the Home Screen
I love working at The New York Times, and I’m excited to form this union with my colleagues! We all care so much about our journalistic mission and work very hard to deliver the news to our readers. Tech workers getting a seat at the table and adding our voice to decision-making around our products and policies will only make our work and our organization stronger!

Katie Leavitt, Software Engineer on Games
When I first joined The New York Times three years ago, I was so excited to work for a company whose mission is one I deeply care about. What I’ve learned over my time here is that, as amazing as the mission is, the people working towards it are better. I’m constantly inspired by how passionate, knowledgeable and empathetic my coworkers are. I feel so lucky to get to work beside and learn from them every day. With this union, I'm excited for us all to have a voice in our workplace and to get to work collectively on improving our environment.
Kentaro Kaji, Lead Software Engineer, Data Engineering
As one of many who cares about the company’s mission, I feel we have an obligation to one another—and even to the company itself—to make sure its short-term business interests are being counterbalanced by a wider range of views represented in its decision making. I’m incredibly proud of my colleagues and thrilled to join the push for more equitable and sustainable outcomes.
Kevin Cooper, Analyst on Advertising Analytics
Like most of my colleagues, I love working at The Times. It’s full of intelligent, compassionate people who are all striving towards creating a more informed and just society. The goal of this union is not to divide but to democratize the workplace, one of the least democratic spaces of American life. Our hope is to have a seat at the table to make an already incredible place to work even better, and to be an example of what organized labor can bring to tech workers everywhere.
Kika Gilbert, Senior Product Manager, UX Foundations
With a union we have the opportunity to create a workplace that is equitable, inclusive, and most importantly a place where thoughtful people can grow and feel valued for years to come. This work is so important because it not only reflects our journalism and our audience of readers, but it shows The New York Times’ dedication and investment in our core values of respect, collaboration, and excellence.

Martha Edwards, Senior Software Engineer on Data Governance
I love democracy, and I want to see more of it in my workplace! We live in a society where we expect democracy in our government, yet many of us give up our democratic voices when we enter our offices. But with a union, we’ll have an enduring, structural, and democratic seat at the decision-making table.
Matt Clawson, Software Engineer, Publishing
My colleagues and I care deeply for The Times's mission, and it's clear to me that supporting the mission implies supporting each other. I look forward to protecting the positive aspects of our current working conditions and fighting to improve the areas where we could do better. I've been so inspired by my thoughtful and caring colleagues, and I'm so excited to see what we can do together.

Meghan Hurlburt, Senior Software Engineer on NYT Cooking
Since the companies we work for are organized by definition, the only way to have a cohesive voice as workers is with organization of our own. There is an explicit power imbalance between workers and their employers, and, systemically, workers need a way to have our voices heard autonomously, independently, and cohesively. An independent newspaper like the New York Times is an obvious place for organizing in the early stages of a new national labor movement.

Mike Buzzetti, Principal Software Engineer on Subscription Platform Group
I have been at The New York Times long enough to have seen it grow through a number of changes. The Times is a great company with an ever-important mission. I have seen the strength in our technologists over the years. I have also seen the struggles of many of my peers that are not being addressed transparently or effectively. Many of these struggles fall into the hands of management. For too long we've relied on the fact that The New York Times is a good place to work and not the best place to work. I believe that leadership comes from all and that with the proper voice, we can address our problems better than we can in our current situation. I believe that a strong union will not only empower all of our brothers and sisters in and around the technology space, but it will help strengthen The Times as a powerhouse in the industry. Unity brings strength.
Minerva Archer, Senior Software Engineer in Publishing
I love working at The New York Times because my coworkers care deeply about our journalistic mission and about each other. By working closely together across disciplines and missions, tech workers at The New York Times deliver best-in-class products that support critical business and journalistic work. I'm excited for us to use those same collaborative skills to help the company meet its goal of building a more fair and equitable workplace.

Moustafa Makboul, Lead Software Engineer on Growth
I enjoy working at The New York Times. When I’m asked about what keeps me working here, I always say that it’s because of the excellent people who I work with, and the journalistic mission of the company. I’m excited and proud to join my awesome colleagues in forming a union, and I know that with our ability to collectively bargain, The New York Times will become an even better place to work.

Nathan Taylor, Manager, Data & Insights (Engagement Analytics)
Having experienced the tangible benefits of a union before, I was ecstatic to join this organizing effort. Together, we can work toward pay equity, reducing the impact of racism and sexism in our workplace, vacation days that don't expire at the end of a year, career development, and so much more. With a union, the Times will only become a better place to work.

Nozlee Samadzadeh, Senior Software Engineer on Publishing
I’ve learned so much about the true meaning of solidarity in forming this union with my colleagues—the relationships we’ve built and the compassion we have for each other have made the experience of working at The Times that much better. Forming a union is the best opportunity we have to get a say in how we work, to make sure we're all treated fairly while at work, and to join management at the highest levels in making sure The Times stays a great place to work.
Olov Sundström, Lead Software Engineer in Core Platforms
I believe the union will be a force for democratization and progress and I’m excited to join this effort with my coworkers.

Rachel Lederer, Software Engineer in Data Engineering
I feel so lucky everyday to work with such thoughtful and kind people here. Through unionizing, I am hopeful that we can continue to support each other and build a just and equitable workplace where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.
Riley Sykes, Product Designer in Growth
I am constantly impressed by the thoughtfulness and dedication that my colleagues bring to their work every day. The New York Times does the essential job of seeking the truth and helping people understand the world. We would not be able to achieve such goals without our incredible workforce. By organizing together we will be able to create a democratic, supportive, and inclusive environment in service of those who have made The Times everything it is today. I can’t wait to see what we will be able to accomplish when every voice is truly heard.
Romina Barrett, Software Engineer, Publishing
It’s been a joy and honor to work for The Times. Being here, even remotely, has been fulfilling in a way that I don’t think a lot of jobs can be, and it’s been amazing to feel that our work impacts the world for the better. I am so inspired by the people I work with and proud to organize with them, and I believe we can collectively help make the workplace better, too. As a union, we can strengthen The Times as a whole for all of us, and I am excited for what we will accomplish together.

Sarah Duncan, Lead Engineer on Data Pipelines Infrastructure
I believe in transparency and fairness. I have loved working at The New York Times for the past 2.5 years and would love to continue to work here, but we need to improve in these areas and have a protected structure for future improvements. The best way I can see that happening is if we band together as workers to vocalize what matters to us, and lend power to that voice through collective bargaining. I am honored to be standing with my colleagues to work towards a better NYT.
Shane Moore, Software Engineer on Publishing
I am grateful every day for the chance to work alongside such passionate, talented, and empathetic individuals. Being a part of this organizing effort has brought me even closer to these outstanding people that I work with, and has shown me the strength that we have together to help The New York Times create an environment that supports and values all of us equally.

Shay Culpepper, Senior Software Engineer in Data Platforms
Before working here, I was given two answers over and over again when I asked why people loved working at The Times: the people and the journalism. After two years, I would give the same answer! I am motivated daily by working on products that make our journalism available to our readers and by a desire to see my colleagues be as successful as they can be. Having a union helps me do the latter in a tangible way. When we stand together, we have a say in the working conditions that make us successful. Through a contract, we can protect those conditions even as leadership inevitably changes. My talented, thoughtful, incredible colleagues deserve nothing less!

Sierra Saitta, Senior Software Engineer on Cooking
I’m excited to join my colleagues in forming a union because I know that we can make our company into a place where everyone has an equal opportunity to grow and thrive. By using our power collectively, we can protect what we love about our workplace, demand changes to the things we want to see amended, and establish a constructive relationship between employees and leadership.

Taylor Poulos, Product Designer on Publishing
Everyone I work with at The Times is incredibly thoughtful, kind, and compassionate. I’m so excited to form a union with these folks, and believe that together we’ll be able to work with management to build an equitable, fair, and just workplace.

Veronique Brossier, Lead Software Engineer, UX Foundations
Our union will provide better representation to management for all workers in a secure way. It will strengthen my commitment to provide my best work at the New York Times. I am proud to be part of this historical moment for the company and the tech industry.

Vicki Crosson, Software Engineer for Data Pipelines Infrastructure
I believe in democracy and transparency above all else, and I think that forming a tech union is the only way we’re going to be guaranteed those things. Forming a union allows us to negotiate for the issues that matter to all of us. The contract will ensure that we’re making and maintaining progress in these areas. With a union we can make decisions that are better for all of us, together.

Yuchen Jin, Software Engineer in Data Engineering
Being able to work for The New York Times is truly one of the best things that has happened to me. I am incredibly proud to work for this company and I know I’m not alone. The entire organizing committee’s dedication to the unionizing effort is a testament to that. We want to stay and make this company the best it can be, and that cannot happen without equity, transparency and the right for all workers to have a say in the workplace.
More testimonials
How can a union support diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Danielle Medellin, Senior Analyst, Subscription Growth
Coming into the union, I had my own list of improvements I wanted to see and things I thought should be included in our first contract. As I continued to meet with other members, I noticed just how much of the picture I was missing. I left each conversation and panel with a new understanding of what some of my colleagues were struggling with or fighting for, but also an overwhelming sense of solidarity in wanting to help each other. Each one of us has visible and invisible identities that are often overlooked by management when new processes and policies are introduced. Whether that overlooking is intentional or not, we deserve to have the opportunity for our voices to be heard, for our working conditions to be beneficial and accommodating for all, for inclusion to be the norm and not an afterthought. Through the union we can ensure underrepresented groups are supported and protected, because we are the union. I am excited to build a unit that listens to, includes, and advocates for all of its members!